3/5/2023 누가 하나님 나라에 합당한가? (2) (누가복음 18:18-30) Who Is Fit for the Kingdom of God? (2) (Luke 18:18-30) March 5, 2023 Video Audio (Korean) Audio (English) SHARE ON Twitter Facebook Buffer LinkedIn Pin It Continue Reading prev sermon: 2/26/2023 누가 하나님 나라에 합당한가? (1) (누가복음 9:57-62) Who Is Fit for the Kingdom of God? (Luke 9:57-62)next sermon: 3/12/2023 누가 하나님 나라에 합당한가? (3) (누가복음 23:50-53) Who Is Fit for the Kingdom of God? (3) (Luke 23:50-53)