2/25/2024 네 영혼에 필요한 하나를 택하라! (누가복음 10:38-42) Choose One Thing Necessary for Your Soul! (Luke 10:38-42) February 25, 2024 Video Audio (Korean) Audio (English) SHARE ON Twitter Facebook Buffer LinkedIn Pin It Continue Reading prev sermon: 2/18/2024 물려받은 야훼의 언약을 믿고 지켜라! (창세기 49:29-33) Trust and Keep the Inherited the Covenant of YAHWEH with the Fathers! (Genesis 49:29-33)next sermon: 3/3/2024 왜 우리가 유월절 양 예수 그리스도의 소유인가? (출애굽기 12:23-27) Why Do We Belong to the Paschal Lamb, Jesus Christ? (Exodus 12:23-27)