1-28-2024. Genesis 22.15-19. Why Did YAHWEH of Covenant Command Abrham to Sacrifice Isaac for a Burnt Offering January 28, 2024 Video Audio (Korean) Audio (English) SHARE ON Twitter Facebook Buffer LinkedIn Pin It Continue Reading prev sermon: 1/21/2024 주일 말씀 | 야훼께서 아브람과 맺은 언약은 무엇인가? (창세기 17:1-9) What Is YAHWEH’s Covenant with Abram? (Genesis 17:1- 9)next sermon: 2/4/2024 가장 견디기 어려운 극심한 고난 중에 어찌 해야 할까? (욥기 2:7-10) What Should We Do in the Midst of the Most Unbearable Affliction? (Job 2:7-10)